Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions (referred to as the “Terms and conditions” afterwards) governs your website usage on the subject of the services represented by Medipars (referred to as a “Company” afterwards). The office address located in No.7, St. Vali-asr Ave., Tehran, Iran
The following terms and conditions shall manage the legal status of the Medipars Company and the other contracting parties of the contract (referred to as the “client” afterwards). These standard terms and conditions outline the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties (referred to as the “contract” afterwards) regarding health and other services provided by Medipars company.
The company represents health services based on medical procedures located in Iran.
The main health and other services presented by the company are:
- Providing medical procedures in Iran located in a health center
- Medical consultation
- Transfer services
- Providing accommodation services and covering other touristic services
- Interpretation services
The services provided to a certain client cannot be transferred to a third party, except that stated otherwise in the agreement between the company and the client.
Entering into Contract
Under the law of the contract, the agreement between the company and the client shall be generated by those means of communication that license entering into the contract without the physical presence of the parties at the same time (referred to as “Means of Distance Communication”).
The client shall agree to use Means of Communication by the time of entering into the contract. The following information should be inserted in the request:
Name, Surname, Address, Email, Phone number of the client
The contract forms between the client and the company when the company confirms the email request that the client sent to the email address presented by the company.